Insurance Purchasing Tips for Millennials

Insurance Purchasing Tips for Millennials

You have hit the age where everything has started to pile up all at once. Student loans, rent, car payment, insurance, insurance, insurance. Don’t fret because if you plan smartly and understand the benefits of buying insurance. A good life insurance plan can provide you with protection for the inevitable and provide a long-term financial security safety net.

The problem is that the current generation with buying power “millennials” are considered the least insured generation. (According to a survey from the Princeton Survey Research Associates International)

This is due to many factors but most of them lead back to “it’s too expensive.” “I’m healthy, I don’t need it or will ever use it.” Insurance generally costs a lot less than what you are thinking, and renter’s insurance costs alone get overestimated by millennials but more than five times the actual costs.

There are so many things insurance covers that you will never be expecting that it just makes too much sense not to have it. Break-ins, car accidents, etc. You can be prepared for what you can’t predict!

Need help on the best practices for buying insurance? Here are five tips that will start you on a path to long-term protection.

  • Smart shopping.  While shopping for insurance it is smart to make adequate coverage the top priority. Determine the type and amount of coverage you will need, and what your budget is. (We can always help and are just a phone call away at 614-863-0455) Keep in mind, buying the lowest-priced insurance is not always the fiscally smart thing to do. Think of a car accident, you saved $100 per year on your insurance when you purchased it and opted for a $1000 deductible over a $500 one. You get into an accident, you’re at fault or fault can't be determined and you need to get your car repaired. Would you rather be paying $500 or $1000 to get your car fixed? You must think in terms of what you can afford now for coverage vs. what you can afford if an accident happens.

  • Discounts.  Once you narrow down what your budget is and how much coverage you need, you can look around for any discounts you may be eligible for. Carriers often offer discounts for paying your policy in full, having a history of safe driving, good grades in school and bundling your policies together under one carrier. Always ask and start saving.

  • Fill in the gaps.  Most policies will cover all the basics and while buying online on your own can be quick, easy, and inexpensive, you may need extra coverage to meet your needs. If you have expensive items in your home that would be hard/impossible to replace in case of loss, you can add extra coverage to cover those items.

  • You aren’t too young to purchase life insurance.  Life insurance is essential for everyone despite how much you think your worth is. For a millennial, it’s cheap to get a good policy due to being younger and healthier. If you have kids and you, or your partner pass, a life insurance policy can help cover funeral arrangements in the short term as well as expensive long-term costs such as child care, and even help pay for your kid’s college expenses someday. Long-term disability coverage also should be considered in the case of becoming disabled and not being able to work.

  • Work with independent agents like us.  (See: What is an Independent Insurance Agent) Independent insurance agents are an amazing resource, especially for first-time purchasers. We work with numerous carriers, so we can do the shopping for you with multiple companies to ensure you get the best price with the right amount of coverage and not miss any details on what you would need. We have the experience to be able to provide a clear understanding to you about the coverage you need, the discounts you are eligible for, and any changes you should be aware of going forward when you need to add or remove coverage.

Insurance can be one of the toughest things to consider and when you’re young it's hard to spend the money and there are many reasons you will tell yourself to not purchase it. Ditch the financial short-sighted benefits of opting against insurance and think about the long-term benefits and protection it provides and be thankful there are places (Like the Arnold Insurance Agency) here to help you navigate and work with you to start provided stability for your future. Learn more about personal insurance by visiting us at our website, Facebook, Twitter, or give us a call at 614-863-0455.